One of the concerns mommas come to me with is “have I waited too long for my baby’s newborn session???” My answer is almost always NO!
This session is a prime example!! I believe sweet baby Isla was already around 4-6 weeks old when we had her newborn session and she did so well!! I work at baby’s pace and take their cues on sleeping and being comfortable, so almost every single time, I get them to fall asleep to get those sweet sleeping images.
This is not to say that I don’t suggest newborn sessions to be held around day 6 to 21 after being born however. And that is due to them being more sleepy in those early weeks, as well as documenting their tiny-ness because they get big so very quickly!!
So don’t hesitate to reach out for a newborn session all the way up to 6-8 weeks! Contact me HERE for more info and to set up your session today!