My sweet baby girl!!!! Every year that comes a new birthday I get weepier and weepier. It’s so true what they say, “the days are long but the years are short”. I must admit, there is a bit of a mom-fail here as her actual birthday is in January, and I did take these images back at her birthday, just never posted lol. But any chance to have a session with my gorgeous girl, I’ll take it!! I am beyond thankful for both of my amazing children and I always enjoy being their personal portrait photographer!
That pregnancy glow!
There is something so beautiful about expectant mothers and I absolutely love capturing and enhancing these moments! Your body is going through an incredible transformation during this time and so often we are focusing on the uncomfortable changes instead of the truly remarkable miracle happening! All women have a very different experience during their pregnancy but there is one thing they all have in common, and that is the radiant glow that surrounds them and their growing belly. I absolutely adore being able to capture that beauty to remind mothers of how AMAZING they are!
Look at these stunning mamas!
Oh sweet Bakelynn!! I tell you, she looked perfect on every color we tried on her!! And look at that smile :) We even somehow convinced her little cousin to get in a few pics with her, giving their grandma the most precious gift ever. It definitely took a little convincing on my part, but I make it my personal goal to be the ultimate baby and kid whisperer lol. Peep that bunny set up just in time for Easter this weekend!!
I am truly obsessed with her and her session and all of their images!! I cant wait to design and deliver their high quality album they ordered as well!!
One of the concerns mommas come to me with is “have I waited too long for my baby’s newborn session???” My answer is almost always NO!
This session is a prime example!! I believe sweet baby Isla was already around 4-6 weeks old when we had her newborn session and she did so well!! I work at baby’s pace and take their cues on sleeping and being comfortable, so almost every single time, I get them to fall asleep to get those sweet sleeping images.
This is not to say that I don’t suggest newborn sessions to be held around day 6 to 21 after being born however. And that is due to them being more sleepy in those early weeks, as well as documenting their tiny-ness because they get big so very quickly!!
So don’t hesitate to reach out for a newborn session all the way up to 6-8 weeks! Contact me HERE for more info and to set up your session today!
Guys!! Look what we got!!! Our very first family dog! I’m so happy to present Winnie, our bernedoodle puppy. She is absolutely wonderful:)
When I say I did research on dog breeds beforehand, I MEAN I did a ton of research on what the “best” breed for us and the best all-around breed (in my opinion). And I found that the bernedoodle breed is amazing!! They are hypoallergenic, they don’t shed, they were literally designed for families and specifically families with children, they are goofy, sweet, and loyal, and not to mention they are seriously adorable! Another big part of our decision is that the breeder is a friend of mine! So I know she came from a good family and was well taken care of before coming to us!
So far Winnie has been so great :) She is so very smart and has already learned to sit and come on command. She’s cuddley, playful, patient (esp with Lylah-Joye lol), happy, and a joy!
Little did she know that she was joining a photographer’s family and now she will have to endure many photo shoots!! This is her very first photo session with me and definitely the first on MANY! Because she’s too cute not to photograph in my studio!
Also, I promise she has eyes LOL, that black fit just covers them up!!!
Oh beautiful Jordan Millie, welcome to the world! Her in home newborn session with her family was perfect! I especially loved the opportunity to do her newborn session in the comfort of her home. She is such a blessing to her family in so many ways and I am so happy to have been chosen to be her family photographer for all these years. I am always overjoyed to document all of their amazing milestones and happiness! If you are looking for an in home or studio newborn photographer around the West Georgia or Atlanta area, I’d love to get connected! Feel free to message me here!