georgia children photography

{burgess + isley cousins - temple children photographer}

{crews family - douglasville family photographer}

{lylah - joye is four - atlanta children's photographer}

My sweet baby girl!!!! Every year that comes a new birthday I get weepier and weepier. It’s so true what they say, “the days are long but the years are short”. I must admit, there is a bit of a mom-fail here as her actual birthday is in January, and I did take these images back at her birthday, just never posted lol. But any chance to have a session with my gorgeous girl, I’ll take it!! I am beyond thankful for both of my amazing children and I always enjoy being their personal portrait photographer!

{daly family - marietta family photographer}

As a family photographer, I take location scouting as a big priority!! I love finding spots all over the Atlanta and surrounding areas so that we have a good variety no matter where you’ll be coming from! This location is East Cobb Park in Marietta and it is definitely one of my favorites! It ticks quite a few boxes: plenty of different spots in one area, lighting is great no matter what time of day, great parking, plus there is even a playground that we can bribe kids with for after our shoot!! I have been coming here for years now and I think it’ll be a great spot to use for a long time!

When you are looking for a family and children photographer, it really is so important to find someone who makes things as easy as possible for you so that you can just show up and enjoy yourself! And I love to take on many tasks for you especially location scouting! So if you are looking for a great spot for our session, this park is definitely one of my faves!

{harrison and lylah-joye with santa}

{jordan, exarhos, baywal families - new georgia family photographer}

This is one of my favorite families ever! If you’ve followed me a while, you’ll probably notice Whitney and her gorgeous family! She has been with me for years and I am beyond grateful for her loyalty and for allowing me to photograph her sweet little ones from the very beginning stages! Watching handsome JJ grow and come into his own has been a privilege thus far!! So when she asked for me to do a full family session with her family from out of town my astounding answer was YES!

I heard the tragic news of their dad passing at Whitney’s maternity session and my heart dropped. I never got the pleasure of meeting him, but you can tell a lot of a person from what legacy they left, and I have only heard the MOST amazing attributes and what an amazing man he truly was. I will always regret not being able to give these sweet family portraits with that amazing man, but I know that even I felt his presence there with us while I was photographing this beautiful family. My heart and condolences go out to them with the biggest feeling imaginable and I only hope I did Dad proud by photographing his amazing family and beautiful grandkids!

{the grebas visit santa}

{jones family}