This is one of my favorite families ever! If you’ve followed me a while, you’ll probably notice Whitney and her gorgeous family! She has been with me for years and I am beyond grateful for her loyalty and for allowing me to photograph her sweet little ones from the very beginning stages! Watching handsome JJ grow and come into his own has been a privilege thus far!! So when she asked for me to do a full family session with her family from out of town my astounding answer was YES!
I heard the tragic news of their dad passing at Whitney’s maternity session and my heart dropped. I never got the pleasure of meeting him, but you can tell a lot of a person from what legacy they left, and I have only heard the MOST amazing attributes and what an amazing man he truly was. I will always regret not being able to give these sweet family portraits with that amazing man, but I know that even I felt his presence there with us while I was photographing this beautiful family. My heart and condolences go out to them with the biggest feeling imaginable and I only hope I did Dad proud by photographing his amazing family and beautiful grandkids!