child photography in breman ga
Mothers and their children share an unspoken bond! That feeling of support, comfort, and unconditional love just can’t be replaced! As a mother of two myself, I understand that precious bond! I also understand how quickly they grow and gain independence, it sometimes seems like overnight!
We try our best to cherish each little moment and capture as many pictures as we can to hold on to those sweet memories. All too often we as mom’s are behind the camera and not in front of it.
This is why I love offering Mommy and Me sessions. So my clients can share an amazing experience with their children, while I capture the moment with beautiful heirloom quality photos to be treasured forever! Capturing that love between a mother and child is the perfect way to remind you both just how special you are!
My sweet baby girl!!!! Every year that comes a new birthday I get weepier and weepier. It’s so true what they say, “the days are long but the years are short”. I must admit, there is a bit of a mom-fail here as her actual birthday is in January, and I did take these images back at her birthday, just never posted lol. But any chance to have a session with my gorgeous girl, I’ll take it!! I am beyond thankful for both of my amazing children and I always enjoy being their personal portrait photographer!
As a family photographer, I take location scouting as a big priority!! I love finding spots all over the Atlanta and surrounding areas so that we have a good variety no matter where you’ll be coming from! This location is East Cobb Park in Marietta and it is definitely one of my favorites! It ticks quite a few boxes: plenty of different spots in one area, lighting is great no matter what time of day, great parking, plus there is even a playground that we can bribe kids with for after our shoot!! I have been coming here for years now and I think it’ll be a great spot to use for a long time!
When you are looking for a family and children photographer, it really is so important to find someone who makes things as easy as possible for you so that you can just show up and enjoy yourself! And I love to take on many tasks for you especially location scouting! So if you are looking for a great spot for our session, this park is definitely one of my faves!
Gosh I love this beautiful family!! Paige has been a client of mine for years and I am so grateful for her and her amazing family! I am blessed to be able to document their beautiful life in all of its big milestones. Happy third birthday Ollie!!
Oh beautiful Hannah it’s hard to believe that one year has already come!! I have loved working with this beautiful family over the last FIVE years! I remember when I did big sister Claire’s one year session! And how could I forget Hannah’s gorgeous three month session HERE. As you can see from both of these sessions, Claire has so much love for her baby sister and it makes my heart smile so big!
This cake smash is one of my favorites! I love keeping these type of sessions simple and focus on baby and I think this was a perfect blend of a rainbow details and simplicity! Make sure to contact me with any ideas you have for your baby’s one year session!!