I really love meeting and getting to know new people. Being a photographer allows me to interact with new people all the time and I can honestly say I have gained some incredible friendships from my clients.
Erin was a new client, referred to me by another amazing client, and just like that client, we really clicked! I loved hearing about her travels all over Europe and I couldn’t be happier to share in the excitement of her first baby on the way. Being a first-time mother is always a scary yet also exciting time. As a mother myself I love to share any tips and tricks about motherhood I have learned along the way! During my sessions there tends to be a lot of talk about babies, raising kids, pregnancy, breastfeeding, and all the things in between. No subject is off limits and its always interesting hearing different points of views. Every situation really is so unique, and I love getting to hear all about those experiences during our sessions!
I can’t wait to work with Erin again and meet her precious newborn!
If you are in need of a maternity or newborn photographer, please contact me!