Sometimes it can be tricky working with larger groups of people, but I am always up for the challenge! This blended family of 9 was so much fun to work with! I love getting group shots but I also think getting some individual and candid shots are so important to highlight the individual personalities that make up this great family!
I like to start with a full family group shot, especially if you have small children, but it’s also a good idea when older kids are involved. Kids tend to open up easier if they see that other family members such as parents are comfortable. I have to gain a lot of trust quickly if I’m going to get a great shot. Sometimes it can be work getting those perfect smiles and happy faces, but I have a lot of tricks up my sleeve, and some of them involve making me look and act super silly! I don’t mind if I get those giggles and laughs even at my expense!
The Bowling family was a joy to work with and I am so happy with the images we were able to capture of this beautiful family!