Sometimes it can be tricky working with larger groups of people, but I am always up for the challenge! This blended family of 9 was so much fun to work with! I love getting group shots but I also think getting some individual and candid shots are so important to highlight the individual personalities that make up this great family!
I like to start with a full family group shot, especially if you have small children, but it’s also a good idea when older kids are involved. Kids tend to open up easier if they see that other family members such as parents are comfortable. I have to gain a lot of trust quickly if I’m going to get a great shot. Sometimes it can be work getting those perfect smiles and happy faces, but I have a lot of tricks up my sleeve, and some of them involve making me look and act super silly! I don’t mind if I get those giggles and laughs even at my expense!
The Bowling family was a joy to work with and I am so happy with the images we were able to capture of this beautiful family!
This sweet baby girl could not be any cuter!! And would you just look at her beautiful family :) Her big brother Grayson could seriously be a child model and he was so sweet with his brand new baby sister. I have such an honor being able to capture the sweet moments of a family welcoming a new baby.!
Milestone sessions are always so much fun and I had the honor of celebrating two of them in this session!
The one-year cake smash session was the cutest! I always like to start with several casual shots to give the little one time to get used to the camera and play a bit. It’s also nice to have a few clean shots before we get messy with cake! There is no better way of ending a session than with a cake! As you can see, this little one did not want to get messy but we still got some sweet images, and of course she enjoyed a few bites!
We did a glitter session to celebrate big sister turning 5 and it was so magical! Let me tell you, Glitter sessions were made for little girls! This session turned out so whimsical and darling! Everybody loves a little sparkle and the glitter wasn’t the only thing shining that day!
I use larger glitter so it doesn’t get in their eyes or nose while being tossed all over the place. It also really pops on camera! Honestly the clean-up for this session was crazy, but it was so much fun and turned out gorgeous!
A BIG Happy Birthday to both these cuties!
If you or someone you know has a milestone birthday coming up please let me know, I’d absolutely love to celebrate with you!
This birthday gal was full of personality, and she was so much fun to work with! She was a little apprehensive about the cake at first, but as you can see, she quickly warmed up when she tasted a mouthful of that delicious cake!
That first year really creeps up way too fast and the years after seem to fly by even quicker! That’s one of the main reasons I encourage my clients to capture as many of these milestones as possible, because they are only this little for a short time. I love looking back at my albums and remembering those sweet moments. I always think, “where did that tiny baby go?!?”
Happy first birthday sweet little Lennon! I hope you had a super fun day and enjoy a wonderful year ahead!
Cake Smash Sessions are so much fun and I would love to get your little one in the studio to celebrate their first birthday as well! Cake Smash sessions can be booked as part of my baby plan or separately! Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you are interested!
What makes a perfect Newborn Session? It’s all about the details!
I love capturing those super detailed images such as tiny toes, and up-close lips, as well as those darling back wrinkles and perfect eye lashes! Babies grow so quickly and having images of those tiny details really capture those memories for a lifetime! Patience is the key to getting these perfect shots! Lots of patience and focusing on every little detail.
Newborn sessions are a lot more work than they might appear. There is a lot that needs to happen in the background in order to produce those perfect shots.
Keeping the baby asleep is essential to a smooth session and in order to do that, a lot needs to happen. I keep my studio very warm for newborns and have a heater close by, especially for those naked shots. I play white noise, keep the lights dim, and have a lavender essential oil diffuser going. All of these steps really create the perfect environment for a nap! I admit we occasional have parents fall asleep as well while they have a break from caring for their newborn!
To keep the baby sleeping we have to go slow and keep them very comfortable at all times! This includes changing poses or outfits, everything is done very slow, all while keeping the little one safe and cozy.
I use layered blankets, supportive pillows, different lenses, lighting, backgrounds, and props during every session. Lots of planning happens to ensure the session goes as smooth as possible and we set the perfect mood. I prepare as much as possible before the client arrives, again it’s all in the details!
Focusing on the tiny details is what really elevates the photos. That’s why newborn sessions can take as long as they do. We are on the baby's time! But gosh is it totally worth it for amazing shots like the ones below!
I love what I do! I pride myself on making your baby and you as comfortable as possible throughout the whole process! If you haven’t booked a newborn session yet, I’d love to hear from you! I can’t get enough of these babies!